U p T o T h r e e D o c u m e n t a t i o n
UpToThree 2021
UpToThree 2021
UpToThree 2021
UpToThree 2021 ist die fünfte Ausgabe des Werkstattfestivals des ensemble mosaik.
Programm 1 :
Malin Bång
Work in Progress (2021)
Chris Swithinbank
irrelevant noise [subsection (1)(ab)(i)] (2021)
Juliana Hodkinson
Neues Projekt (2021)
21. Aug. 2021 / 19:00, Acker Stadt Palast, Berlin
Programm 2 :
Georgia Koumará
Delineated in black and white, caught or scattered, the letters dance „Im Vox-Haus“ (2021)
Liisa Hirsch
Dynamics of Contact (2017/2021)
François Sarhan
halsüberkopf (2020/2021)
21. Aug. 2021 / 20:30, Acker Stadt Palast, Berlin
Programm 3 :
Andrea Mancianti
Autophagy II [Mikrophobie] (2016/2020)
Sarah Nemtsov
NUN IV (2021)
Daniel Allas
A fragment from “This sounds cerebral in the midst of a bloodletting…”: on the violence of Human taxonomy, data collection, & the Filipino-American War of 1899. (2021)
22. Aug. 2021 / 19:00, Acker Stadt Palast, Berlin
Programm 4 :
Kelley Sheehan
(__)*, the Drummer (2020)
Rama Gottfried
animism fragments (2020/2021)
Manuel Rodriguez Valenzuela
T(t)blocks A (2013)
Bnaya Halperin-Kaddari
Perma-Bears (2021)
22. Aug. 2021 / 20:30, Acker Stadt Palast, Berlin