U p   T o   T h r e e   D o c u m e n t a t i o n

2020/8 UpToThree augmented
Laurie Schwartz the solitudes
Laurie Schwartz: the solitudes (2020)
für verstärkte Bassflöte, verstärktes Cello & Audio-Playback
A reflection of social distancing exigencies at the time of its creation and first execution, there is no definitive score for the solitudes, but rather separate performance parts, each consisting of an array of specifically notated, discrete events that may be performed in any order.
Thus, as a consequence of individual choices made by performers at any given point in time, the work changes with every new iteration. Audio files include the voices of Risa Mickenberg and Laura Sheets as excerpted from separately recorded conversations, and ambient sounds from Provincetown, Massachusetts.