U p   T o   T h r e e   D o c u m e n t a t i o n

2023/6 UpToThree andernorts ii
Maja Bosnić /otkriće se/
Maja Bosnić: /otkriće se/ (2023)
for flute, clarinet, cello and electronics

commissioned by ensemble mosaik in co-production with Radio Belgrade's Electronic Studio

This work grew out of sounds created with the iconic EMS Synthi 100 at the Electronic Studio at Radio Belgrade. The idea of the work was to take this wonderful, but huge and unportable device, outside of its room and celebrate it in its most raw, basic, and unedited form. In my fantasy world, it flew to Berlin and served musicians inspiring sounds that they magically upgraded and reshaped with their instruments in a collaborative joint playing. However, while coming to terms with reality, the fantasy was coded into a detailed music score performed with electronics recorded with EMS Synthi 100, as a sound postcard. The sounds play with different layers and textures in various ways, while electronics operate in the playful space between covering and uncovering instruments, somewhat relating to the work's slightly comforting title (translates as "it will be uncovered" in Serbian). (Maja Bosnić)
Maja Bosnić, Niklas Seidl, Kristjana Helgadóttir, Christian Vogel